Anyways, most of the stuff I'm going over is material we have covered before. But every once in awhile little tid bits will pop up that you have never seen before. My favorite thus far came today. I was studying Neurology and found myself rolling on the floor in laughter after reading about " Kluver Bucy Syndrome ". The notes stated (and I quote) "The patient exhibits: Hypersexuality, Docility, Hyperorality". Hilarious!
But after I thought about it, I pondered that this definition was implying something more. And then it hit me. Kluver Bucy is just a play on words about Gary Busey! Somebody just described Gary Busey, made it a Syndrome and then gave it a name that sounded like his! Never in a million years would I have come up with something that witty. Kudos to whomever came up with this...My hat's off to you.
To prove my point. Here is a short clip from Entourage with Gary Busey the Artist. You can see his Hyper-oral tendencies come out in just a mere 20 seconds!