Monday, August 28, 2006

How it Started....

Well I guess I'm going to join the hype of "blogging". I'm still not sure what on earth that word means, but hey half the words I use I don't understand so that eliminates that problem. To make the situation worse, nobody even pays attention to me when I talk anyways....Life is soooo cruel.

Anywho, I'm nowhere as talented as some of my blog-happy friends, nor do I have the vernacular to write more than a couple of sentences without repeating myself without repeating myself. dangit.

The premise of this experiment is to get my creative juices flowing and give the Hunny Bunny yet another avenue to be proud of me for doing something productive with my time. Well if she wants productivity, here it is at its best. And I'll start it off with the story of the fabled creature....THE MEXITALIAMER.....

Ok, so its not so much a fabled creature but a chaotic half Mexican/half Italian/half American blend of 46 X,Y (look ma' proper notation) chromosomes which somehow ended up as ME. Hold it. That did not add up to 100%. The Mexican region of my brain is in charge of mathematics. Thankfully, mathematics aren't necessary in medical school. Apparently studying isn't necessary either since that is what I should be doing right now. Alright back to the subject at hand.

The Mexican part of this devious concoction of genetic inaccuracy is demonstrated by my ability to sweat chorizo straight through my pours as well jump fences in a single bound. Don't act like your not impressed.

My wit, charm, stunning good looks, ability to quote obscure Godfather movie references, pronounce the word "gnochhi" correctly, and identify Italy on a map are a culminated of the Italian part of me.

Lastly, I was born in this great country of Mex...I mean AMERICA. A land where the beer flows like wine and the women flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

And thus you have it Mexican+Italian+American = a Mexitaliamer. Shortly after my birth, this mold was broken so yes, I am one of a kind.

Stayed tuned kids and kiddies. It's going to be a fun year......


Anonymous said...

This must be the new thing that ADHD kids do nowadays. You NEVER cease to amaze me. I have to admit I found the cart story extremely entertaining, so entertaining that I had to revaluate my definition of fun. Cart surfing was definitely my fav blog being that there were so many entries to choose from and now consider shooting Anissa across the aisle every time I go to the grocery store. YIKES!
Course I have to oppose the “nobody pays attention to me” bit. I have always paid attention to you that is until you start referring to men as a dominant species, which usually takes place in the second sentence of every conversation that we have ever had. hhhmmm
Anywho keep up the good blogging work and try to fit in a little book work will ya! I’m counting on you to make all my house calls. ~Nissa and I miss you!~ Your chorizo friend R

Anonymous said...

If it were up to me, your blog name would be asiamericana.