Thursday, May 01, 2008

Baby Face

OK enough is enough. In the past week one patient reported to a resident that I looked like I was 12 years old. Today a nurse guessed that I was 19 years old. This is getting to a be a little absurd. I think it may be time to bring back the Psyc Beard in order to convince people around me that I have indeed graduated from high school. This is nuts, none of my crazy patients on Pyschiatry thought I was a teenager. Granted one did think I was a Cosmonaut. But I still think you have to be 21 in order to be one of those.

1 comment:

medstudent101 said...

"All right, calm down. Now listen - you've been to four years of college, and four years of medical school. So I can safely assume that you are at least eight..."- Dr kelso
I once had a nurse say in front of a little boy and his mother "OH MY GOD! You are SO YOUNG!" as I walked into the room for a peds surg consult. The mom flipped out and thought I was taking the kiddo into surgery right away. It was a mess.