Monday, December 11, 2006

Finals Fever

Well kids and kiddies its that wonderful time of year again, and I'm not talking about Christmas. I've been living in the library for the past 2 weeks ingesting a steady diet of caffeine and government cheese. That is the reason I've been MIA from everyone's radar screens. A couple quick observations from my head:

Things I'm not sure of:

I currently have no idea what day it is, what time it is, or even my own name. I don't even know how I navigated to this website.

Things I AM sure of:

That my first test today (Virology) sucked. There was a significant number of questions on things that weren't even in the notes. Why would you do that? I'm pretty positive I'm a little more crazy than before and I am in a constant state of "Irritability" (the Hunny Bunny is not pleased with this part).

A brief example of my irritablilty:

Just now while returning from an extended lunch after our first exam we passed an undergrad who just finished interviewing for next years incoming class. I offered no "hello, hope it went well"...of course not. I'm in too much of a bad mood. Instead I encourage her with these words of wisdom, "It's not too late to change your mind". Shes probably driving home thinking about getting a job a Starbucks and living the good life all becuase of some mad-at-the-world medical student. Oh well, it's way better than what i'm doing right now...

Anywho, I hope this made sense to at least one person and I apologize for my incoherent thoughts. The keyboard looks fuzzy from the lack of sleep mixed with the coffee I just spilled on them. Next time, I promise I'll be in a better mood. Cheers.

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