Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Samson and the Barber

Well on friday, the unthinkable to many happened. Not the fact that I passed all my exams (darn you if you thought that), but I made a trip to the barber shop. As I wove in and out of traffic, the mere thought of a haircut left me with that "funny feeling" you get in your stomach when your nervous. My hair had now become a glorious mane and my beard was now as noticeable as ever. I felt as if I could "wrastle" a lion, or better yet... a shirtless Montgomery all hopped up on caffeine, nicotine, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs and flying willards (can you imagine?).

But as I sat down in the barber's chair with a tear in my eye, I uttered the un-utterable: "Let's take it down". As soon as I spoke what will live on as some of my most infamous words, I felt the life just leave me. My energy was zapped, my spunk exhausted, and my enthusiasm...extinguished. You know, it actually hurt when the scissors met my hair. Like it had become a part of me. My hair had symbolized Ah Jota manifested in wavy, black glory.

When I stood up from the chair I hardly recognized the person in the mirror. Though he was just as handsome as Ah Jota, he seemed to be roughly 5lbs the lighter (I later learned that was the amount of hair that was cut off). I missed of course my hair being blown in the summer breeze as well as it safely resting on the back of my neck as I walked towards my car. I feeling that won't be around for some time now.

But as the weekend passed, my new "Do" grew on me. The Hunny Bunny liked it as well as many of my friends, even though many were surprised to see that I parted with my locks. But then my view changed. Monday I ventured into the gym for a quick workout. Nothing to strenuous since I was still recovering from Midterms. But as I grabbed the weights off the rack, there was something different. Something....was....HEAVIER!! Never would I have thought that with my glorious hair my strength would leave me too! Weights I used to laugh at now took all my effort to lug around. It was horrendous. I remembered the story of Samson that I had been taught as a child. And though he was decieved by a woman, I was decieved by my own deludedness. Though I hope we don't suffer a similar fate (read the story) I know at least for now, my strength has left me. Montgomery comatose from Forget Me Now's would be a struggle for me to subdue.

But I have hope in better things. Daily workouts will get me back to my previous strength and the thought that my hair grows like crabgrass in the South Carolina summer cheers my soul. However, it wasn't all in least I'm cool while I kick back and enjoy my spring break. Remember, it takes very little strength to surf the internet and watch TV all day.

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