Friday, March 02, 2007

Hey Blinkin'

With Midterms now in full force, I'll take a few minutes to share some of my thoughts with you. Midterms, of course can only mean one thing. No not the fact that I'm Cranky Ah Jota, or that I haven't slept in two weeks, or even that I waited in the lobby of the Emergency Room last night for 3 hours only to be told be 3 different physcians that it is "unethical" to equip me with a "caffeine-IV" to help get me through the next week. Though all those things are true, there is only one thing that truly captures the essence of Exam Time. That single thing is of course....FACIAL HAIR.

I'm sure you can remember what happened in September when I wandered the halls of the medical school posing as Adam Morrison. As glorious as that was, this set of exams needed a little bit of flavor. It needed something different, something spectacular, something that would turn heads, and of course make the Hunny Bunny cringe at the very site of me first thing in the morning.

Well yesterday it all came to fruition. I calmly etched a masterpiece onto my golden-brown complextion like a janitor resurfacing the ice with a Zamboni at a Tampa Bay Lightening game. As I stood peering into the mirror of our bathroom, I noticed the likeness to a very special person in our nation's history:

No it wasn't Blinkin'...I looked like Abe Lincoln!! Now I don't exactly look just like him. Obviously his beard his a little thicker, he's a little older and had a mild case of Marfan's Syndrome. But if Abe Lincoln stood here today minus a genetic defect and had just a touch of Mexitaliamerican to would be staring at Ah Jota's doppleganger. Intriguing I know.

So with Midterms just a few days away, I can sleep calmly at night knowing that if exams don't go my way and this whole medical school thing doesn't "work out"...I'll always have a shot at The Presidency, abolishing slavery (again), or even getting my bearded face onto a piece of currency. Ahh, it never hurts to dream...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're done!! hope the week went alright library buddy.... enjoy your break!